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Entries by Lori Apthorp (58)


Great meeting!

Hi all

We had another great gathering last night in "The Cabin" (Thanks Coffee Connection!!). We discussed songs to work on for our next performance at the Y, and here is the short list:



The Entertainer (NEW)


No Pressure (NEW)

Thanks to all who came out, especially Peter who shared his birthday with us!! I will be uploading the new songs soon. Michael is preparing pdfs for The Entertainer, so that the 3 parts are seperated, reducing the sheet music from 7 to 2 pages. He is also enlarging the tab numbers so they will be easier to read. Thanks Michael. I will see if I can do No Pressure in Guitar Pro 6, and have Jacqui double check it. 


Songs for June

Hi all

Thanks to all who joined us for the YMCA performance! It was lots of fun. Usually, we try and squeeze a couple of extra practices in before a show, and this time schedules didn't allow for it. So, for the next Y show in June, lets concentrate on selecting some songs well in advance so that we will have more time to get really comfortable with the playlist. June 7th is the next showcase, so those of you who think you will be available, now is the time to narrow down the choices so we can start practicing now. Think seriously about what you would like to play... it's OK to repeat something that we have already done. We should make the decision this coming Tuesday, so if you can't attend this week, let me know by email what your votes would be. That will give us 5 regular meetings before the next YMCA show.

Jacqui has found a 3 part arrangement of The Entertainer.

Check it out and see if it is something you want to try.



Next YMCA performance is March 22, 2014

Hi group!

Lidia at the Santa Monica YMCA says the next talent showcase will be Saturday, March 22nd, at 3 pm. Check your calendars, and let me know if you are available to perform that day. I think we should consider the following songs:

Truman Sleeps

Roxy's Waltz


If you have any other candidates, feel free to mention them. I think it is OK to repeat songs we have done before, so look over the list. I don't think we have enough time to learn anything new though.

So, let me know if you are playing, and what part you do on each song. I want to make sure we have enough for each part.



Feb 18th - Jake Shimabukuro in Ventura

Just a quick notice... Jake Shimabukuro will be performing Feb 18th in Ventura at the Ventura Theater. Doors open at 7pm - Showtime 8pm. Tickets are $25-$35 which is a pretty good deal, if you ask me. Here is the website for more info.




Next Meeting Feb 4th!

Our next meeting is coming up and I think we will want to continue with Roxy's Waltz and Truman Sleeps, with an eye toward the next YMCA Talent Showcase performance (I think it will be in March). In addition, we should keep up on some of the other arrangements we once knew so well... Sleigh Ride and 76 Trombones. I don't think we have performed 76 Trombones for the Y yet, so that could end up being our third song, and inspiration to revive a really nice Steve arrangement.

See you Tuesday night!

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