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Innovative Ukulele strap. $14.99 for Uke Leash Polypro and $29.99 for Uke Leash Leather.

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 New Circle of Fifths guides!

Entries by Lori Apthorp (58)


Video from last Summer's Motion Picture & Television Fund Retirement Campus

Thanks to the great folks at the Motion Picture and Television Fund, we have some multi camera video and some pretty excellent sound. Here is the first video of the set. This one had two cameras, so I did my best at editing them together. Here is the beginning of the set, featuring Eleanor Rigby. More to come as I get time to edit. Some of the later songs have 3 cameras to choose from.


Holiday Performance at McCabe's Guitar Shop

Many of the WUE are part of Steve Rose's Ukulele Ensemble Class. Here we are at the 2015 annual holiday concert.


Had a great time in Westwood.

What a great venue the Westwood Presbyterian Church is, and what fun to be paired with the Harvard Yardbirds again. Thanks to Mark for snapping this photo, and hopefully we will see some video of the event from the Yardbirds photographer.


WUE Performance with The Harvard Yardbirds, Westwood

We very happy to get the chance to perform again with The Harvard Yardbirds a capella singers. Reserve your discount tickets by commenting on this post with your name, and number of tickets you would like, and we will put you on the LIST.


2015 1st Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival

From September 26, 2015 Thanks to Daniel Lee for the video!!