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Entries in ukulele (17)


Silent Night chords (arpeggio) + melody

I have just upload a new version of Silent Night with the arpeggio chords for low g ukulele. It is in the downloads folder, and it includes the melody tab as well. It might be a little easier to read than the original, since I recreated it in Guitar Pro, and made the tab numbers a bit bolder and larger. Anyway, it is there for anybody that is interested. If you see any mistakes, or places for improvements, let me know. I have removed the old part 2 files to avoid confusion. We are using Daniels revised part 2, with maybe some variations from Peter.

We will get to go on first (3:00 pm) at the Santa Monica YMCA performance next Saturday. Only 2 weeks away!! 



Links for Ukulele Tabs

Hi Ensemblers

I just added another page to the website. It is favorite internet sources for ukulele tabs. If you have any that you think we should add, let me know.

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