Somewhere Over the Rainbow IZ version
Great meeting last night, revisiting some of the old favorites. For those who missed it, we played Ode to Joy, Summertime, When you Wish upon a Star, You are my sunshine, TuWuWaHuWai, Lollipop Guild, Sleigh Ride, Sophisticated Hula, and Apache. We also discussed doing an instrumental version of IZ's Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World. I had a bit of free time today, and did a very rough tab of his vocal over the lyrics. It is in the downloads folder, along with a chord sheet. It is for low G tuning, and matches the key of the recording, so you can play along with that as a guide. Think of it as a tool for brainstorming on what we could do with this song. If you have any corrections, let me know. If anybody wants to work out the timing, with the instrumental measures added between lines, feel free (but let me know so I won't repeat your work).